Youth Internship Program

Offering Local Chinese American Youth

  1. Communication and Leadership Skills Development.

  2. Exposure to The Legislative Process (Federal, State & Local).

  3. Practical Work Experience.

  4. Opportunity to Work with Legislators to Help Our Community.

  5. Opportunity to get Recommendation Letter for Future College and/or Job application.


  1. Chinese American, 16 years or older as of June 1, 2024.

  2. High school Junior or Senior student; College students also welcome.

  3. Resident of the East Bay, Tri-City Area.

  4. Members of CBC preferred. Priority consideration will be based on seniority of CBC membership.

  5. CBC Toastmaster Youth Leadership Program experience preferred.


  1. Must be able to work 3 to 6 hours a week (total of at least 60 hours during  summer).

  2. Must be able to make a 2 – 5 month commitment (to be negotiated with local government agencies or legislative offices).

  3. Must write an essay describing your experience at the end of the internship.

  4. Must attend the interview process in summer 2024 (place TBD). Interviews will be conducted on a rolling basis.

  5. Must be able to take one Saturday (half day) training class in Fremont; date to be determined. CBC will pay for the training expense.

  6. Must be available to meet for orientation and one mandatory meeting during the summer for Interns’ Progress Report at CBC summer BBQ event.

  7. Participate in additional criteria pending approval of grant.

  8. Must have reliable transportation to/from designated internship office.

At the End of the Program, You Will Receive:

  • Community Service-Learning Hours

  • Certificate of Completion awarded from both CBC and Internship Office at the Annual CBC Interns’ Appreciation Luncheon in November /early December.

  • Possible Recommendation Letter From an Elected Official

The office assignment will be done after the interview at CBC’s discretion.

If you are interested in participating in this program, please contact Adeles Fan, Internship Committee Co-Chair,  via e-mail to

To apply, download and fill out the required application and liability waiver form and then scan and send the completed documents to:

Application packet must be received by June 2, 2024.